Here’s the Governor-General going down the Champs-Élysées in Paris. As the Australian Head of State. A detachment of the Garde républicaine is riding in front of a motorcycle escort with the rest of the Garde républicaine following him. He is respected in Paris as our Australian Head of State. Whenever the Governor-General is sent on a State Visit the Australian government ALWAYS expects the government of the foreign country to receive the Governor-General as the Australian head of state. No Australian politician complained about this to the French. No one said you’ve made a mistake ― Sir Peter Cosgrove is not our head of state. But sometimes, when it suits them, politicians will tell you he isn’t the Head of State . They only do that when they’re pushing the politicians’ republic to get more power for the politicians. So in the plebiscite a Shorten government is threatening, they’ll try and trick you into believing we don’t already have an Australian as Had of State. They know this is untrue. They know we have one, the Governor-General. ACM has been saying this from before the referendum. And consistently since. Just like every Australian government does internationally. ( After all it’s a diplomatic and not a constitutional term.) Don’t trust the politicians. Vote No Republic. Vote No to the politicians’ republic. Always remember we’ve already got an Australian of heads of state – the Governor-General. Don’t believe politicians when they are not telling you the truth. This picture indeed tells a thousand words.