Prof David Flint

Left loves protests, just not by Trump supporters

Washington protest.

“A RIOT is the language of the unheard,” said Martin Luther King in an entirely different context. 

Purloined by the American mainstream media, it was used to justify looting and burning by the far-Left Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa, effectively the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party. 

For eight long months in 2020, reporters on multiple channels announced that the protests were “mainly peaceful”, against a backdrop of burning buildings. 

Instead of criticism of this gross criminality by the Democrats, there was rapturous applause, with mayors and governors refusing offers of federal intervention, even against the declaration of an autonomous zone in Seattle.

Far Left vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris not only encouraged Democrats to send donations to bail out militants, she endorsed their criminal violence on television, in the clearest possible terms. Indicating that the rioters would not stop, even after the election, she declared, “They’re not going to let up and they should not”.

The Democratic National Convention, where Harris emerged as a failed presidential candidate, refused to condemn the riots, while news of the continuing violence, which seriously affected poor, black urban communities, was kept from voters by the mainstream media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrats.

Unsurprisingly, the media treated the invasion of the Capitol differently but as prominent independent Afro-American commentator Jason Whitlock said, it was Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion come to life, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

For four years, the millionaire and billionaire elite which controls academia, the mainstream media, politics, popular culture, and the sports world has framed Trump supporters as racist deplorables, worthy of elimination from society. More recently, those supporters have been denied a hearing everywhere when they sought legal remedy for their allegations of widespread voter fraud.

Kamala Harris not only encouraged Democrats to send donations to bail out militants, she publicly endorsed their criminal violence…

But while the members of the BLM typically search for, burn and destroy their targets well into the wee hours, the deplorables soon returned to their hotel rooms. Whitlock commended their restraint.

The Capitol, he says, is sacred ground for the elite. This is where members of their global club exchange cash for influence and privilege, with politicians on incomes of only $150,000-a-year becoming multimillionaires while building cosy relationships with Big Tech lobbyists and American corporations looking to curry favour with Red China.

Biden and his family have emerged as the most glaring example of this phenomenon but mainstream and social media suppressed news until the election was over.

No serious journalist could ever conclude that President Trump incited the invasion of the Capitol. He specifically requested that they walk peacefully.

An invasion, which he did not even envisage, would endanger what he most wanted; an investigation of fraud and unconstitutional changes to electoral laws. Had he called on his supporters to invade the Capitol, there would have been tens of thousands of them there – not a few hundred.

Moreover, the invasion began before he finished speaking. Videos have been posted showing police inviting people into the grounds and Trump supporters restraining rioters from breaking windows, accusing them of being Antifa.

Violence is totally inconsistent with Trump supporters past behaviour suggesting the perpetrators were agents provocateurs or extremists Trump always rejected.

After they lost the 2016 election, Trump’s enemies fabricated the claim he had colluded with the Russians during the 2016 election campaign. They lied to the special court to obtain wiretaps using the information to create the basis for a four-year attempted coup to remove him from office.

In office, they prevented the Drug Enforcement Administration from bringing Hezbollah drug traffickers to justice to save the reckless Iran nuclear deal. They engaged in the sale of access and influence to foreign oligarchs, especially in Beijing, and last summer, they effectively licensed paramilitaries to wreak havoc in Democrat-run cities, and so they would hardly hesitate to engage in electoral fraud, constitutional breaches or inciting an invasion of the Capitol.

To the delight of Democrats, the invasion ensured that any investigation of Trump’s powerful cases alleging electoral fraud and unconstitutional electoral law change were thwarted. Journalists and others who dismiss these as “baseless” have either not read the details or are lying.

That almost no judge would hear these cases and hid behind technicalities to avoid doing so reflects poorly on the independence and/or courage of the American judiciary, especially the Supreme Court justices who presented as originalists in their recent confirmations.

It was equally disappointing for posterity that Vice President Pence wrongly saw his role in presiding over the certification of the votes cast as that of nothing more than a rubber stamp.

That is hardly what the founding fathers envisaged. Alexander Hamilton explained in the Federalist Papers that they had anticipated that the incumbent would be an “extraordinary person” who “may occasionally become a substitute for the President in the supreme executive magistracy”.

It was never intended that he give his imprimatur to elections so mired in fraud under gross breaches of the constitution. The result of his misjudgement is that tainted and unconstitutional elections are probably locked in for the foreseeable future, with a Manchurian candidate soon to be installed in the White House, with an extremist successor who will give effect to Obama’s likely ruinous third term of managed decline, Venezuelan-style socialism and international surrender, all as a favoured Beijing advances towards world domination.

The election was stolen from Trump, who, in any fair assessment of his remarkable achievements, has been the greatest President since Ronald Reagan.

But neither he nor his 74 million followers are going away. With the EU rolling over, he has shown only he or his apprentice can Make America Great Again and stop Red China’s path to imperial domination.DF
