CANBERRA’S latest folly is a referendum, costing up to a quarter of a billion dollars, to replace the politicians’ oath with an empty pledge without legal effect. Instead, why not bring in real reform and finally make the politicians accountable? …
WHY do politicians so often make decisions based not on judgement but on computer modelling? This is notwithstanding the telling observation attributed to the great Anglo-American statistician, Professor George EP Box, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” It’s …
THE adoption of an abortion law so extreme it sanctions the killing of any innocent who dares survive has been greeted by a standing ovation in the Senate. That was the New York State Senate, not Australia’s. But a standing …
Professor David Flint AM is a legal academic, known for his leadership of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and for his tenure as head of the Australian Press Council and the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
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