ANY fair minded, objective juror would agree that Donald Trump was never guilty of the high crime for which he was so improperly charged. Having achieved more than any other president, at least since Ronald Reagan, there is a widespread …
PILATE’S contemptuous dismissal of truth echoes down the ages. Those who, like Pilate, wash their hands while authoritarians try to gag anyone they insist must not speak, ignore what distinguishes civilisation from the evil alternatives. The search for truth is …
CANBERRA’S latest folly is a referendum, costing up to a quarter of a billion dollars, to replace the politicians’ oath with an empty pledge without legal effect. Instead, why not bring in real reform and finally make the politicians accountable? …
THE United States has led the free world for the best part of a century, producing a record number of truly great world leaders, among whom, it can be confidently predicted, objective future historians will unhesitatingly include President Donald Trump. …
“ALL great world-historic facts and personages appear … twice … the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce”, wrote Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon.
“A RIOT is the language of the unheard,” said Martin Luther King in an entirely different context. Purloined by the American mainstream media, it was used to justify looting and burning by the far-Left Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa, …
“A YEAR after coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China’s Xi declares 2020 a triumph.” The Washington Post thus approvingly headlined the Communist Chinese dictator’s New Year Address to celebrating crowds ignoring social distancing in the streets of Wuhan, the very place from where …
WHY do politicians so often make decisions based not on judgement but on computer modelling? This is notwithstanding the telling observation attributed to the great Anglo-American statistician, Professor George EP Box, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” It’s …
THE adoption of an abortion law so extreme it sanctions the killing of any innocent who dares survive has been greeted by a standing ovation in the Senate. That was the New York State Senate, not Australia’s. But a standing …
Professor David Flint AM is a legal academic, known for his leadership of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and for his tenure as head of the Australian Press Council and the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
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