THE Prime Minister resembles a mindless fish which swallows any bait dangled in front of it. Most are from ABC fiefdoms which realise that any sexual assault allegation, even unprovable, is his Achilles heel. (The explanation for Labor MPs being …
Prof David Flint Articles.
The Australian political parties have been “completely compromised” and vote people in preselection who do not have the “public interest” …
This is a session from the National Conference of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, ACM, in Sydney on 30 November 2021. The theme of the conference was “A Tale of Two Great Commonwealths: Australia and the USA“.
If you want a deeper understanding of the issues than is usually offered by the mainstream media, you want The …
IF CONFIRMATION were needed of a determination to ensure US elections are conducted in egregious breach of the Constitution and as fraudulently as many believe the recent presidential election was, ramming the For the People Act of 2021, HR1, through the …
If confirmation were needed of a determination to ensure US elections are conducted in egregious breach of the Constitution and as fraudulently as many believe the recent presidential election was, ramming the For the People Act of 2021, H.R.1, through the …
DESPERATE for that silver bullet which will drop some politicians’ republic into their laps, Australia’s official republicans rushed to capitalise on Soap Oprah, as the Daily Telegraph headlined what threatens to be serialised into “Les pensées sublimes de la duchesse …
THE witch-hunt against Attorney-General Christian Porter is far more sinister than it initially would seem.
MY ASSESSMENT of Donald Trump, confirmed by his superb CPAC speech, attracted a version of the elites’ current default critical race theory response: “You racist jerk”.
THERE used to be a statutory office whose very name struck terror into the hearts of those who feared for their sanity, now or in the future. This was the Master in Lunacy.
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